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Archery Score Pad

Free online archery score-keeping and performance-tracking scoring software.

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There are currently 98139 scores submitted from 3146 users

Latest Archery Score Pad scores

518 Short Metric (Sep 9)  ▪ 472 Portsmouth (Sep 9)  ▪ 610 Windsor (Sep 8)  ▪ 556 Western (Sep 8)  ▪ 910 Albion (Sep 8)  ▪ 940 Albion (Sep 8)  ▪ 324 3 dz @ 50y (122cm) (5 zone) (Sep 8)  ▪ 318 3 dz @ 60y (122cm) (5 zone) (Sep 8)  ▪ 298 3 dz @ 80y (122cm) (5 zone) (Sep 8)  ▪ 590 Portsmouth (Sep 8)  ▪ 676 WA 720 50m (80cm face) (Sep 7)  ▪ 674 WA 720 50m (80cm face) (Sep 7)  ▪ 1131 Double WA 720 70m (Sep 7)  ▪ 582 WA 720 70m (Sep 7)  ▪ 549 WA 720 70m (Sep 7)  ▪ 39 180y 1-way clout (Sep 7)  ▪ 292 Bray I (20 yards) (Sep 6)  ▪ 516 WA 18m (5 zone) (Sep 6)  ▪ 270 3 dz @ 50y (122cm) (5 zone) (Sep 4)  ▪ 456 WA 720 60m (Sep 4)