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Portsmouth Rankings (this month)

Also displaying scores for the rounds Portsmouth (5 zone).

The Portsmouth is 5 dozen at 20y. Shot on 60cm faces.
» See group rankings for this bow and time period

Displaying results 1 – 9 of 9

Rank Name Score Date Shot Hits Golds
1st Registered user (BoH) 568 02-Jan-25 60 34
2nd Registered user (Overton Black Arrows) 565 02-Jan-25 60 30
3rd Registered user (Berko Bowmen) 558 10-Jan-25 60 31
4th Registered user (Gordano Valley) 551 05-Jan-25 60 21
5th Registered user (Welbeck) 542 04-Jan-25 60 27
6th Registered user (Vickers Archery Club) 539 06-Jan-25 60 23
7th Registered user (SALT) 530 05-Jan-25 60 22
8th Registered user Novice 520 15-Jan-25 0 0
9th Registered user 311 16-Jan-25 57 0

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Quick stats for this round and bowtype

There are 21132 Portsmouth scores submitted, from 1498 users.

The current record score is 596, shot by Registered user.

The global median score is 533.

Histogram of all users' scores